Adlercreutz: Combating climate change offers great opportunities for our businesses

SFP wants Finland to be climate neutral by 2035. The Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group and of SFP’s Committee for Environmental Policy, Anders Adlercreutz, stresses the importance of implementing ambitious climate policy at the national, EU and international levels. Global warming must be limited to 1.5 degrees.

“This limit has been scientifically drawn and is based on certainty regarding significant negative consequences if it is not met.

Adlercreutz believes that a diversified approach is needed for solving the climate crisis. Investments into new technology, research, development and innovation are crucial. Combating climate change offers great opportunities, for example for businesses that develop sustainable technology.

“In 2022 alone, industrial investments worth over EUR 15 billion, directly related to the green transition, were reported in Finland. Finland must be a trailblazer in climate- and eco-friendly technology, not only because it is the responsible thing to do but also because it makes economic sense. This is a huge opportunity for our businesses, and we as decision-makers are responsible for creating favourable operating conditions. To have the courage to invest in development and innovation, companies need farsightedness and predictability in our energy policy and taxation, for example,” says Adlercreutz.

We must strengthen our energy self-sufficiency in a sustainable manner, which means accelerating the green deal, divesting ourselves of fossil fuels and increasing renewable energy production.

“Finland has great potential for expanding wind power. Currently, however, challenges are found in municipalities’ permit processes, which is delaying investments. Change is needed in the form of smoother permit processes,” Adlercreutz concludes.

Thomas Blomqvist: We’re standing with Ukraine

Today (24 February 2023) marks the one-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine. One year ago, Europe’s security environment was fundamentally shaken and we woke up to a new set of circumstances. For twelve months, Ukrainians have waged a brave battle for their country, their democracy and their freedom. Thomas Blomqvist, Finland’s Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, emphasises the importance of a continued show of support for Ukraine.

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Blomqvist: Extensive consensus in Parliament concerning NATO accession

Today (1 March 2023), the Finnish Parliament has approved the Government Proposal on Finland’s Accession to NATO. Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, is pleased that the Parliament gave this clear opinion on the matter and that Finland has now reached the conclusion of this phase of the accession process.

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