Bergqvist: Crises are expensive, and now we must focus on growth

Today the Parliament discussed a motion of censure related to state debt. In her group speech, MP Sandra Bergqvist emphasised the fact that now is not a time for short-sighted solutions but for responsible politics, ensuring an optimal use of our resources.

“In recent years, the government has, in collaboration with the opposition, made major, indispensable decisions to protect our health, support our businesses and reinforce our defences. SFP is concerned over Finland’s indebtedness, but we should all be aware of the reasons behind it,” Bergqvist says.

SFP and the Swedish Parliamentary Group feel that Finland must focus on growth and all decisions on balancing the economy must be made with an eye to it.

“Short-sighted savings can have far-reaching consequences, as we have seen in the field of education, for example. Now, if ever, we must ensure that our money is spent on genuinely productive things; things that enhance our wellbeing and education, and promote growth,” Bergqvist says.

For Finland to be seen as a country where working is profitable and investing is worthwhile, SFP feels we must invest in predictable and farsighted taxation policy.

“We must not tighten corporate taxation, tax on work must be reduced in the long run, and progressive tax rates must not be raised. To combat the labour shortage, Finland needs both foreign workers and incentives for those Finns for whom working does not seem to be worth it. Work should always be profitable, regardless of one’s age,” Bergqvist says.

Rehn-Kivi: Problems with bureaucracy must not prevent the provision of rehabilitation to Ukrainian war veterans!

On Thursday, MP Veronica Rehn-Kivi (SFP) submitted a written question concerning the rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian soldiers in Finland. Kauniala Hospital has been helping with rehabilitation but is now threatened by a lack of funding, as well as by bureaucracy.

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Blomqvist: Zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Sexual harassment continues to be a major problem in society, contravening every individual’s right to privacy and safety. Farsighted efforts are needed to eliminate this problem, says Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality. Today (8 February), minister Blomqvist took part in a round table discussion on preventing harassment and increasing equal treatment in the emergency services sector.

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