Henriksson and Himmanen: Sustainable energy generates wellbeing

The Swedish People’s Party of Finland published its energy policy programme today. The programme was introduced by party leader Anna-Maja Henriksson with Heidi Himmanen, who led the task force that drafted it.

“We want it to be easy to live a sustainable and fossil-free life in Finland. We must accelerate the green transition and ensure that enough electricity and heating is available at a reasonable cost. We can achieve this by developing a sustainable energy system based on diverse fossil-free, renewable energy solutions,” explains SFP President Anna-Maja Henriksson.

“Sustainable energy generates wellbeing; this is our central message. While combating climate change, we must also safeguard Finland’s competitiveness. We want Finland to be a country in which people want to invest, and one prerequisite for this is to offer a varied palette of sustainably generated energy. Our targets must be farsighted and we must ensure that short-term political decisions do not interfere with investment,” Henriksson says.

“In this way we will generate not only jobs, but also export income and wellbeing for the whole population.”

SFP wants Finland to be a global leader in novel technology for the energy sector.

“It is important to invest in types of education, research and innovation that contribute to exports and global sustainability. We must promote the development of new energy storage technology, energy-efficient solutions, synthetic fuels and Finnish biofuels, among others,” says Heidi Himmanen.

Henriksson stresses that international collaboration must continue.

“Changes in our security environment have proven how important it is to increase our energy self-sufficiency and focus on supply security. Meanwhile we know that we cannot fight climate change or achieve a green deal by ourselves. Continuous, close collaboration with the other Nordic and Baltic countries and with the EU is crucial,” Henriksson says.

“Our energy policy must encourage Finland to utilise the full potential of fossil-free energy production. In our programme we present SFP’s vision as to how we could achieve a sustainable, reliable and competitive energy sector,” Himmanen says.

The full programme is available (in Finnish) at: SFP Energy Policy Programme

Henriksson: Economic growth is needed to secure welfare

The last few years have been difficult in many ways and the public economy has been subjected to challenges both nationally and globally. Without economic growth, our welfare state is under threat, says the leader of the Swedish People’s Party of Finland, Anna-Maja Henriksson. Henriksson emphasised the crucial role played by business and commerce as creators of jobs and growth.

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Blomqvist: Achieving a work-life balance should be easy

Each year on 19 March, Finland celebrates Minna Canth Day and the Day of Equality in honour of the anniversary of the birth of Minna Canth, a vocal social opinion leader who shattered many glass ceilings in the late nineteenth century, as well as conducting a significant career as a writer and journalist. On this Day of Equality, Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality reminds us of the importance of continuing to work actively for a more equal labour market.

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