Historic candidate setting for SFP in parliamentary elections

The Swedish People’s Party of Finland is making history in having one or more candidates in every electoral district in continental Finland for the first time ever, in view of the 2023 parliamentary elections. SFP Secretary General Fredrik Guseff is pleased that the party’s long-term efforts are bearing fruit and that SFP now also has a record number of candidates. SFP will be represented in April’s parliamentary elections by 111 candidates.

“I am pleased that SFP’s long-term efforts to become established in every part of Finland are bearing fruit. We feel that there is great demand for SFP’s politics, and this has been corroborated by several polls. Finally we can offer a viable sustainable, right-of-centre, liberal alternative,” says Secretary General Fredrik Guseff with satisfaction.

“Our list of candidates is diverse and we have an excellent gender distribution, with 47 per cent of candidates being women. We have competent, expert candidates with a good geographical spread. As before, SFP also has a high proportion of young candidates, with 17 per cent of the total being under the age of 30,” Guseff explains.


Adlercreutz: More higher education places are needed in Uusimaa

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area plays an important role in Finland’s economic development. Brain drain is a genuine problem that we cannot ignore. More higher education places are needed in Uusimaa, says SFP MP Anders Adlercreutz.

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Blomqvist: The cabinet’s ambitious efforts for equality are bearing fruit

The current cabinet had ambitious aims concerning equality, and according to the final report on the Government Action Plan for Gender Equality, published today, the majority of the action plan’s 55 targets have been met or are well under way. Most of the equality-related points of the government programme were included in the action plan, but some – such as the Family Leave Reform and the Equal Pay Programme – have been implemented outside of it. Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, presented the final report on the Action Plan for Gender Equality on Wednesday (22 February), during its handling in the cabinet.

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