The Swedish People’s Party of Finland

  • is a political party formed in 1906 and has over  24 000 members today in 130 different local chapters.
  • has a party organisation that consists of elected members, member organisations and the party office.
  • has regional organisations in Helsinki, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland and a regional organisation for the rest of Finland.
  • has three member associations: The Swedish Youth of Finland, The Women’s Organisation of the Swedish People’s Party in Finland and The Swedish Seniors of Finland.

The highest decision-making body within the party is the Annual Party Congress. Between the Party Congresses the Party Executive Board and Party Council are in charge of the day to day decisions.


The Swedish People’s Party of Finland gathers those who value both national languages of Finland; Swedish and Finnish, and want to see an open, inclusive and international society.

The Swedish People’s Party of Finland works for:

  • a well-functioning bilingual society
  • a flourishing Nordic-cooperation
  • a stronger European community
  • global responsibility

The Swedish People’s Party believes that prosperity and justice is made out of

  • a society that serves individual human beings
  • an economy that supports private initiatives and considers the environment
  • an educational system that gives everyone opportunities to develop
  • a social security system that both supports and activates

The Swedish People’s Party is a liberal party

  • Liberalism as in tolerance, equality and openness.
  • Liberalism as in the freedom of thought.

Together with other political parties and associations The Swedish People’s Party of Finland works for freedom, justice, equality and tolerance.

Become a member

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** Your personal information will be saved for as long as you are a party member. Your contact information will be used for communication with the party.

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Travel reimbursement

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