A momentous decision for Western Uusimaa and all of Finland

“Many pieces fell into place as a consequence of diverse political decisions, when the Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel announced a multi-billion-dollar investment into climate-smart steel production in Western Uusimaa,” says Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality.

“Firstly, we have been working in Finland for many years on the development of diverse, modern and climate-friendly energy production. Around 90 per cent of our electricity is emissions-free, and this proportion is continuously growing.Joint investments into pilot projects by industry and the government have been fruitful and have resulted in comprehensive know-how. Efforts focusing on new uses for hydrogen are further reinforcing this development. These endeavours have received international attention, which in turn has contributed to the decision at hand,” minister Blomqvist says.

“Our efforts in education and competence have also influenced the decision. Finland has a stable society, a skilled and committed workforce and first-rate research in engineering, mathematics and science,” minister Blomqvist says.

“Our investments into logistics are also bearing fruit. Various individual infrastructure projects have been conducted without much attention, but it is no coincidence that this potential building project in Ingå would take place at a juncture between power lines, sea routes, ports and good road connections,” Blomqvist says.

“The government’s decision to speed up decision-making on projects that promote the green transition – whether it comes to official decisions or legal verdicts – is also now showing its strength in creating a more attractive atmosphere for investment,” Blomqvist points out.

Wickström pleased by arrival of LNG terminal ship in Ingå: “Finland needs investments that support the green transition”

SFP Vice President Henrik Wickström is pleased by the arrival of an LNG terminal ship in the southern Finnish town of Ingå today. The vessel will be placed in the Joddböle district of Ingå as soon as the weather permits it. Wickström is also the chair of Ingå’s municipal board.

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Adlercreutz: Clean energy has attracted huge investment to Ingå: now focus on a quick permit process

Helsinki Sanomat newspaper reported on interest by the Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel to build a new steel factory in the southern Finnish municipality of Ingå. The investment sum lies around EUR 4 billion. Anders Adlercreutz, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, considers this expression of interest as a good example of how policies aiming to support the green transition can lead to projects of major significance to the national economy.

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