Blomqvist: Freedom of movement is the cornerstone of Nordic cooperation

The Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, Thomas Blomqvist, emphasises the importance of securing freedom of movement across the Nordic Region in all situations. The minister is visiting Tornio-Haparanda August 29 together with his Swedish colleague, minister Anna Hallberg.

“The freedom of movement is the cornerstone of Nordic cooperation.
We can see clear synergies and added value to be achieved from daily borderless cooperation in our border regions. This is why it is important to take into account the special characteristics of these regions and to safeguard free movement in all situations,” Blomqvist explains.



The vision for Nordic cooperation is to make the Nordic Region the world’s most sustainable and most integrated region by 2030.



“To achieve our integration target it is important actively to remove existing cross-border obstacles to prevent new ones from forming. Last year, while Finland held the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Cross-Border Obstacles Committee was given a ratified mandate and the dialogue between it and its associated ministers was strengthened.”



“Having a shared Nordic vision is at least as meaningful today as it was at the time of its inception. The Covid pandemic and the changing political security scenario have only increased its significance. Together we are stronger, and together we can achieve more. We will continue our efforts on behalf

Decisive action is needed to improve the state of the Baltic Sea

“The Baltic Sea is not doing well. Every day we witness blue-green algae blooms taking over our bays and beaches.We must take decisive action to prevent eutrophication. We need an extensive package of short- and long-term measures for improving the state of the Baltic Sea. At SFP, we are prepared to work for safeguarding our archipelago for the future,” explains Anna-Maja Henriksson, Minister of Justice and SFP Party President.

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Adlercreutz: Apprenticeship programmes, predictable taxation and fast lane for labour migration are needed

The current series of successive crises is putting the economy out of balance. The Covid pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing energy crisis are shaking the foundations of the economy. Anders Adlercreutz, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, is concerned over the how businesses in Finland will survive this critical period and is calling for reforms that will help secure the availability of labour.

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