Liberal voices must not be gagged by Russia
The activities of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party and its youth organisation, LYMEC (European Liberal Youth), have recently been classified by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation as “undesirable” in Russia. The President of the Swedish People’s Party, Minister of Education Anders Adlercreutz, and SFP’s MEP Anna-Maja Henriksson condemn the move, while also finding it unsurprising.
Swedish Parliamentary Group’s Action Plan for Igniting Growth
“Finland needs growth. It is only through growth that we can secure our welfare and services in the long term. We need a climate that incentivises and encourages people and companies to invest and employ in Finland,” says the Chair of the Parliamentary Group, Otto Andersson.
Historic candidate setting for SFP in parliamentary elections
The Swedish People’s Party of Finland is making history in having one or more candidates in every electoral district in continental Finland for the first time ever, in view of the 2023 parliamentary elections. SFP Secretary General Fredrik Guseff is pleased that the party’s long-term efforts are bearing fruit and that SFP now also has a record number of candidates. SFP will be represented in April’s parliamentary elections by 111 candidates.
Supporting sustainable social development
Finland forms a part of the globalised world, and according to parliamentary candidate Ramieza Mahdi, this means that besides our national responsibilities, we must shoulder our international responsibility when it comes to sustainable social development.
Decisive action is needed to improve the state of the Baltic Sea
“The Baltic Sea is not doing well. Every day we witness blue-green algae blooms taking over our bays and beaches.We must take decisive action to prevent eutrophication. We need an extensive package of short- and long-term measures for improving the state of the Baltic Sea. At SFP, we are prepared to work for safeguarding our archipelago for the future,” explains Anna-Maja Henriksson, Minister of Justice and SFP Party President.
Everyday security demands concrete action
The summer meeting of the Swedish Parliamentary Group: SFP and the Swedish Parliamentary Group consider it essential to safeguard Finns’ purchasing power.
“We need swift and targeted action to overcome the crises we are encountering. At the same time, we must keep the horizon and the big picture in view. With proactive and farsighted politics, we can provide security for citizens while making Finland a country where people want to move and in which they want to invest,” says Anders Adlercreutz, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group.
Henriksson and Adlercreutz: A high employment rate, more investments and a tax-system that encourages work are the foundations for a successful and healthy Finland
The Swedish Parliamentary Group holds its summer meeting this week. The Parliamentary group visits the Fortum power plant in Lovisa and Neste in Porvoo.
Henriksson: Finland needs a clear Urban Policy
The Swedish People’s Party has presented a new Urban Policy Programme. In the document the party stresses the need for a comprehensive and coherent urban policy and the need to care about… Read more »