Rehn-Kivi: Problems with bureaucracy must not prevent the provision of rehabilitation to Ukrainian war veterans!

On Thursday, MP Veronica Rehn-Kivi (SFP) submitted a written question concerning the rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian soldiers in Finland. Kauniala Hospital has been helping with rehabilitation but is now threatened by a lack of funding, as well as by bureaucracy.

“Kauniala Hospital is the treatment and rehabilitation centre for Finnish war veterans, and in the autumn of 2022, it also took in Ukrainian soldiers for rehabilitation. This was done at the hospital’s own expense. I had the honour of visiting the hospital in January, when I was informed about their operations and the excellent and important work they carry out. At the same time, I heard that they will be unable to continue providing rehabilitation to Ukrainians,” Rehn-Kivi says.

Besides a lack of funding, the operations are now challenged by the fact that Ukrainian officials want the soldiers in need of rehabilitation to be officially invited by Finland for treatment. Kauniala Hospital is unable to send such invitations, and the City of Kauniainen has been helping by sending them to Ukrainian officials.

“These obstacles are unfortunate, because the hospital has both the ability and – above all – the will to help. I would like the rehabilitation to continue with the help of Finnish funding and by agreement between the Finnish and Ukrainian authorities. It is admirable and important that the hospital is offering professional help, taking into account that these people have risked their health to fight for their country’s independence,” says Rehn-Kivi.

The following written question was presented by Rehn-Kivi to the Speaker of the Parliament:

What actions does the government intend to take to ensure that we can continue receiving Ukrainian soldiers for rehabilitation in Finland? In what other ways can Finland help wounded Ukrainian soldiers?

Wickström wants more police officers and crime-fighting resources

SFP Vice President Henrik Wickström believes Finland needs more police officers. According to Wickström, the Finnish Police lack resources for preventive work. In its election manifesto, SFP states that the number of police officers should be raised from the current 7,500 to 8,200.

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Bergqvist: Crises are expensive, and now we must focus on growth

Today the Parliament discussed a motion of censure related to state debt. In her group speech, MP Sandra Bergqvist emphasised the fact that now is not a time for short-sighted solutions but for responsible politics, ensuring an optimal use of our resources.

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