Category: News

Bergqvist: Crises are expensive, and now we must focus on growth

Today the Parliament discussed a motion of censure related to state debt. In her group speech, MP Sandra Bergqvist emphasised the fact that now is not a time for short-sighted solutions but for responsible politics, ensuring an optimal use of our resources.

Wickström wants more police officers and crime-fighting resources

SFP Vice President Henrik Wickström believes Finland needs more police officers. According to Wickström, the Finnish Police lack resources for preventive work. In its election manifesto, SFP states that the number of police officers should be raised from the current 7,500 to 8,200.

Supporting sustainable social development

Finland forms a part of the globalised world, and according to parliamentary candidate Ramieza Mahdi, this means that besides our national responsibilities, we must shoulder our international responsibility when it comes to sustainable social development.

Henriksson on the supplementary budget: “We must get the health care situation under control”

The government has today agreed on what is probably its final supplementary budget proposal. The budget allocates additional funds to health care, to helping residents out with high energy bills and to fighting youth crime. The leader of the Swedish People’s Party of Finland, Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson, considered it important to give more funding to health care.

Blomqvist: Border barrier removal efforts are significant for the lives of ordinary Nordic citizens

Today (2 February) the Parliament will conduct a follow-up debate on the Government Report on Nordic Cross-Border Barriers. Cross-border barriers or obstacles are laws, official decrees or procedures that prevent the free movement of people or the ability of businesses to operate across national boundaries in the Nordic region. Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, who led the drafting of the report, is happy that in its statement the Foreign Affairs Committee emphasises the significance of drawing attention to these important efforts.

Blomqvist: Efforts to make the Nordic countries the world’s most sustainable and integrated region are highly topical

In August 2019, the Nordic prime ministers decided to adopt the vision of turning the Nordic countries into the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by 2030. An action plan, led by the ministers for Nordic cooperation, was implemented for fulfilling this vision. Thomas Blomqvist, Finland’s Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, emphasises how topical this vision is and how important it is to continue systematically to work towards it.

Bergqvist: Health care waiting times can be cut with versatile service vouchers

On January 25, Hoiva&Terveys news service and the SME organisation Suomen Yrittäjät arranged an election debate on the roles of the public and private sectors in social services and health care, and on how the objectives of the social and health services reform can be achieved in practice. SFP’s Member of Parliament and Vice Chair Sandra Bergqvist emphasised the need to increase cooperation between public and private health care operators.

Strand: Instilling confidence in the future is more important than ever

The Parliament has today conducted a preliminary debate concerning the Government Report on the Future. In the group speech of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, MP and Chair of the Committee for the Future, Joakim Strand (SFP), pointed out how important it is to instil a belief in the future, particularly among the young. The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and market uncertainty have led to an exceptional world situation.