Category: News

Adlercreutz: Clean energy has attracted huge investment to Ingå: now focus on a quick permit process

Helsinki Sanomat newspaper reported on interest by the Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel to build a new steel factory in the southern Finnish municipality of Ingå. The investment sum lies around EUR 4 billion. Anders Adlercreutz, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, considers this expression of interest as a good example of how policies aiming to support the green transition can lead to projects of major significance to the national economy.

A momentous decision for Western Uusimaa and all of Finland

“Many pieces fell into place as a consequence of diverse political decisions, when the Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel announced a multi-billion-dollar investment into climate-smart steel production in Western Uusimaa,” says Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality.

Adlercreutz: Significant investments into youth entrepreneurship

The Parliament’s Finance Committee has today released its statement on next year’s state budget. This involved deciding on the allocation of the government’s extra budgetary sum of around EUR 50 million. The Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, Anders Adlercreutz, is particularly pleased about the additional resources directed at youth entrepreneurship education.

Adlercreutz: The Immigration Service must be investigated

“One absurd case after another is reported in the news. Within SFP, we have long been concerned about the apparent arbitrariness with which residence permit applications are approved or rejected by the Finnish Immigration Service. It is unsustainable. A profound investigation of the Immigration Service and its processes must be carried out,” says Anders Adlercreutz, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Group.

SFP has released its Parliamentary Election Manifesto: Forward Together

The objective of the Swedish People’s Party is to achieve its best parliamentary election results ever (in number of votes), winning at least 5 per cent of the vote and being represented in all polling districts. SFP aims to keep its current seats and achieve two further seats.

Torvalds: China at COP27 – the real spanner in the works

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, went into significant overtime, finishing on Sunday instead of Friday. Negotiations centred around tricky discussions concerning a loss and damage fund, and the EU’s hesitancy towards the fund has attracted criticism. Nils Torvalds (SFP/Renew), who attended the conference as a member of the European Parliament’s delegation, directs his critique at China for hampering the negotiations.

Blomqvist on the Government report on Nordic cross-border barriers: Nordic everyday life must be borderless!

Today (10 November 2022), the Finnish Government approved its report on Nordic cross-border barriers. The report responds to the entry in the Government Programme stating that Finland wants to further facilitate the movement of citizens between the Nordic countries, work actively to remove existing cross-border barriers, and seek to ensure that new ones are not created. The minister in charge, Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, emphasises the importance of providing this report to the Parliament.