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Blomqvist: Hydrogen is a great opportunity for Finland

A government decision in principle on hydrogen was approved today. We want to make Finland a competitive and predictable investment environment for the hydrogen economy. The programme includes concrete actions, such as ensuring the smoothness of permit processes, including electric fuels in the distribution obligation, expanding infrastructure and channelling EU and national funding to various development projects.

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Wickström: Businesses deserve better politics!

SFP Vice President Henrik Wickström says that the next government must take action to improve businesses’ growth opportunities. Wickström is concerned that small and medium-sized enterprises in Finland lack the courage to develop their operations. Current circumstances, including high energy prices and inflation, have weakened companies’ future prospects.

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Blomqvist: Zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Sexual harassment continues to be a major problem in society, contravening every individual’s right to privacy and safety. Farsighted efforts are needed to eliminate this problem, says Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality. Today (8 February), minister Blomqvist took part in a round table discussion on preventing harassment and increasing equal treatment in the emergency services sector.

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Supporting sustainable social development

Finland forms a part of the globalised world, and according to parliamentary candidate Ramieza Mahdi, this means that besides our national responsibilities, we must shoulder our international responsibility when it comes to sustainable social development.

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Henriksson on the supplementary budget: “We must get the health care situation under control”

The government has today agreed on what is probably its final supplementary budget proposal. The budget allocates additional funds to health care, to helping residents out with high energy bills and to fighting youth crime. The leader of the Swedish People’s Party of Finland, Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson, considered it important to give more funding to health care.

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Blomqvist: Border barrier removal efforts are significant for the lives of ordinary Nordic citizens

Today (2 February) the Parliament will conduct a follow-up debate on the Government Report on Nordic Cross-Border Barriers. Cross-border barriers or obstacles are laws, official decrees or procedures that prevent the free movement of people or the ability of businesses to operate across national boundaries in the Nordic region. Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality, who led the drafting of the report, is happy that in its statement the Foreign Affairs Committee emphasises the significance of drawing attention to these important efforts.

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