Imprisonment is not the way forward

A statement from Stefan Wallin, Mats Löfström, Eva Biaudet and Anders Adlercreutz, Members of the Finnish parliament.

The unfortunate situation between the Spanish government and the regional parliament in Catalonia must return to a mutual dialogue with the goal of reaching a peaceful and satisfactory solution for all parties. The imprisonment of democratically elected officials is not the way forward, and we urge the Spanish government to reconsider it’s actions. In Europe we need respect for differing political opinions and goals. The only acceptable solution is a commitment to constructive dialogue by all parties.

See also



Henriksson: Siniset epätoivoisia tuodessa esille ummehtunutta nationalismia

Suomen ruotsalaisen kansanpuolueen puheenjohtaja Anna-Maja Henrikssonin mielestä on valitettavaa, että maan kaksikielisyys joutuu kärsimään Sinisen tulevaisuuden huonoista kannatusluvuista.

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